Workshop at the Euro-FH: "Which influencing factors promote innovation in teaching at the Euro-FH?"

On November 20, 2024, the workshop "Factors influencing the promotion of innovation in teaching at the Euro-FH" took place at the European Distance-Learning University of Applied Sciences Hamburg (Euro-FH). The overarching question of the workshop was "Which influencing factors promote innovation in teaching at the Euro-FH? The event, under the overall moderation of Manfred Fiedler, offered an excellent platform for exchange and discussion with all workshop participants in the form of a word café. At three thematically organized tables, an open exchange on the main research topics of the three sub-projects took place in three rounds. The pleasant atmosphere encouraged interdisciplinary dialogue and offered insights into the day-to-day work and organization of the Euro-FH.
A big thank you goes to all participants for their committed contributions. Special thanks go to Dr. Tobias Filusch for organizing and supporting this successful workshop on site in Hamburg.
We look forward to incorporating the knowledge gained into our future research.