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Methodical approach in the project

Case selection

We conduct case-studies of eight private higher education institutions, based on a categorization of Frank et al. (2020), distinguishing between the following types:

Private universities: Humboldtians, Specialists

Private universities of applied sciences: Career-oriented, Flexible, Upgrader (engaging in academization of vocational training)

The selected cases include universities that have the right to award doctorates and universities of applied sciences that can award doctorates when arranging cooperation agreements with universities with the right to award doctorates. The case selection is based on a  analysis of homepages, public documents and statistical data from the Federal Statistical Office. The statistics also provide relevant key figures for the ratio of student numbers to staff over the last five years, which will serve as important reference and indicators of reliability during the course of the project.

Data collection

The research program of our joint project promotes close cooperation between all three sub-projects in collection and analysis of the data.


Document analyses

In a first step, our research questions are addressed through a systematic document and website analysis with two foci: 1) Formal governance structures, through documents such as accreditation reports and analyses of websites and 2) The implementation of teaching and learning concepts, through module handbooks and examination rules. A jointly developed analytical framework allows for case analyses on different levels while considering the specific research priorities of the sub-projects.

Interview studies

Further, interviews with different groups of actors are planned. On the one hand, expert interviews will be conducted with deans and heads of study programs. On the other hand, professors, students and alumni will be interviewed regarding their expectations with regard to the teaching and learning concepts.

Quantitative surveys

A quantitative survey of students at private higher education institutions (HEIs) will be conducted through an online questionnaire. Questions concern the expectations regarding teaching and learning concepts, motivation to learn and motivation to choose specific HEIs. The survey items will be partly derived inductively from the interview data collected. We will further lean on validated items on learning motivation and choice of HEI from previous studies. In addition, analyses of NEPS (National Educational Panel Study) data will provide information on how students at private HEIs differ from those at state HEIs in terms of satisfaction, educational aspirations, reasons for dropping out and career orientation. Comprehensive analyses will be carried out with reference to control variables such as type of HEI, discipline, and demographic characteristics.


The evaluation of the student interviews offers insights into their expectations and experiences with teaching-learning concepts. The quantitative survey, in combination with the analysis of the NEPS data, enables a comprehensive analysis using multivariate methods, supplemented by causal analyses with longitudinal data.

The analysis of document and website information will follow a case-analytical and comparative approach. Interviews will be fully transcribed and analysed using content analysis according to Kuckartz (2018). Regular meetings between the three sub-projects and the cross-project selection and the joint execution of the case studies enable close cooperation from different perspectives. The variety of data collected will, in turn, allow for a mutual validation of the results and data triangulation.

The analysis of interviews with experts and deans of studies will reveal how the internal and external governance of private higher education institutions influence the organizational framework conditions for the implementation of new teaching and learning concepts. Analysis will emphasize the role of external stakeholders in influencing teaching at private HEIs.

The analysis of interviews with teachers provides insights into the framework conditions, opportunities and limitations related to the introduction of new teaching and learning concepts. In addition,  teachers' expectations regarding the conceptualization and implementation of teaching and learning concepts, and the reasons for choosing a position at a private HEI can be uncovered and reflected critically against the background of academic career prospects.

The analysis of student interviews provides insights into their expectations and experiences with teaching and learning concepts. In combination with the analysis of NEPS data, the quantitative survey enables a comprehensive analysis using multivariate methods, supplemented by causal analyses with longitudinal data.