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Factors influencing the implementation of new teaching-learning concepts at private higher education institutions (HEIs)

Project news


Status meeting of the funding line "non-state universities"

Presentation of the ELLpH interim results at the status meeting of the BMBF funding line at the Euro-FH in Hamburg on 25 February 2025.
Project team from left to right: Daniela Schmitz, Jan-Hendrik Ortloff, Uwe Wilkesmann, Liudvika Leišytė, Olga Wagner.

Workshop at the Euro-FH: "Which influencing factors promote innovation in teaching at the Euro-FH?"

The Euro-FH opened its doors on November 20, 2024 for the workshop on "Factors influencing the promotion of innovation in teaching at the Euro-FH".

Workshop at the APOLLON University of Applied Sciences in Bremen

On October 30, 2024, interim results of the project were discussed at a workshop at the APOLLON University of Applied Sciences in Bremen. The focus…

First project results presented

At the annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (GfHf), which took place from September 23-25, 2024 at the Fernuniversität Hagen,…

ELLph at the GfHf annual conference

All sub-projects of ELLpH will be represented at the annual conference of the German Society for Higher Education Research in Hagen in September 2024

ELLpH at the Science and Higher Education Research Cluster (WHF) conference of Euro-FH

The ELLpH joint project presented itself and its initial interim results at the 2024 annual conference of the Science and Higher Education Research…
Männliche und weibliche Studierenden-Icons, welche miteinander und einem mittig angeordnetem Graduiertenhut vernetzt sind.

Project presentation in the VPH "Research" committee

On February 27, 2024, the ELLpH project was presented to the Research Committee at the invitation of the VPH.
Screenshot der Projektpräsentation

ELLpH project team at kick-off event

Our team presents the "ELLpH" research project at the kick-off event for the "Non-state universities" funding line.
Eine Person tippt auf einem Laptop. Es sind virtuelle Symbole, wie ein Buch, eine Person an einer Tafel, ein Graduiertenhut und eine Glühbirne zu sehen.

ELLpH project launched

On September 1, 2023, our "ELLpH" research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research was officially launched.
North Campus at sunset


“ELLpH - Influencing factors on new teaching-learning concepts at private universities” is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research from 01.09.2023 to 31.08.2026 as part of the funding line “Research on non-state universities” under the funding code 16NISTA01A; 16NISTA01B. 

More information on the funding line Research on non-state universities.